I mean, aren’t visual novels supposed to offer more than your averange romantic show? Their fucking lives dating, for god’s sake, that’s what I want to see. That was an unneeded detail.), and most of all, no damn continuation to the story. Being nice when it’s convenient(Karin route especially), characters and motives so stupid it makes me throw my keyboard out the window(Sasara route for example where she despises love so much that she can’t eat home made food, but showing affection and wanting to be loved and actually loving the MC? I call bull on that one. I played a lot of VN’s in the past and I have to say that compared to many others, the characters in this on are bland. I’m done.\, but here I am, writing this comment/review. There were times when playing this that I was just like, \Fuck it. The only thing that made it relatively good was Sasara’s route, BUT NOT ALL OF IT.